Here’s to my Sisters πŸŒŸπŸ‘­πŸŒŸπŸ‘­

“I smile because you’re my sister, I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it”.

I’ve had the delightful pleasure of growing up with three sisters, two older and one younger. That makes four girls for my Momma to look after.

We have had our moments, good and bad. I mean her wardrobe is my wardrobe, her stuff is my stuff, until it’s the other way around. Growing up as teenagers was painful at times, but we made it through, still speaking to each other, most of the time.

Since, some of us moved out of our home house and from under each other’s feet I feel like our relationship has gone by sisters and on to friends, in fact they are all my best friends in the world.

When you go through all the shit we went through, you really rely on each other, you really hold on to each other and look out for each other.

We can say what we want to each other, in fact sometimes we are too honest with each other but if you dare say something about them to me – I’m not going to like you very much. I can say what I want – but not you.

Sisters have a very special relationship, you are just your complete self around them, the worst side of you comes out to play, as well as the best and somehow we all love each other through it all.

Me and my sisters have some sort of unspoken pact that we all go to concerts together, like automatically when tickets come out for a certain person, we always go for 4 tickets. They are my favourite people to go to concerts with, probably because we were doing it since we were little.

My sisters are lots of fun, they are all some of the funniest people you will ever meet, ask anyone who knows them. I’m the least funny that’s for sure, but I love to laugh so it suits me.

N teaches me to not be fake, to know your worth and speak out if you’re not happy with a situation. She teaches me how to be a bad ass and have fun along the way.

S teaches me it’s tough as Hell to be emotional. She teaches me how to look after everyone, to call your Grandmother, to remember your auntie’s birthday. She teaches me to work hard and travel just as hard.

L teaches me kindness and compassion and never to assume anything about anyone.

They teach me a lot, they are all different in their own ways, they all play different roles in my life as do I in theirs. I am beyond proud of each and everyone of them.

All three are determined, hard working bosses and I’m so proud of each of them. I am incredibly lucky to be apart of their family.

I can’t see what the future holds for us – hopefully bridesmaids, godmothers and aunties πŸ™‚

Lots of love,

Belle x

About BlogAlongWithMe

A small town girl from Ireland, trying to travel the world bit by bit. Passionate about making this world a better place for us all to live in. Massive fan girl. I'm already a fan of you for reading this. Living a Vegan lifestyle.
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2 Responses to Here’s to my Sisters πŸŒŸπŸ‘­πŸŒŸπŸ‘­

  1. Hannah says:

    I love this post! I do feel like distance causes u and ur siblings to become closer as u are no longer under each others feet. Unfortunately my siblings and I have different music tastes so cannot go concerts together 😦 xx

  2. fivefeetandoneinch says:

    Being one of three I know what you mean. We still argue all the time but have each others backs when it’s needed the most!

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